mayan hawk

The Maiden of the Mountain Mist

Where have you taken me, my dear maiden?
On this road I have meandered upon from many a twilight in the shadows of dusk to the beginnings of dawn.

As I ascend to the white cliffs this day the sun casts shadows against the trees in the enchanted forest.
Twisted and steep I climb the path planted with good and evil.

My soul rejoices, as I reach and look out and dream my visions of love.  All these dreams in which my mother has stood by me from a child to now a man with the inner understanding of the bond that reflected her love.  I feel and hear her triumphant simplicity.

Upon these cliffs, I envision you, The Maiden Of  The  Mountain Mist, who secretly I follow upon this path, seeing you in the reflection of the Hawk's Eye that circles above, sending me the inspiration of this noble path I follow.

As I sit upon the lichen mosaic of granite, in which from the ages pinion have grown.  I hope my thoughts weren't just dreams fleeing.

My feelings, my thoughts, my desires to touch you -  The Maiden of the Mist, whose hair dances with the wind.  The secret is only in my eyes, and not in reality.  For I see you only in these clouds.

Perhaps I will learn to walk with the bear and feel the magic of the forest.  Perhaps answers to these thoughts will never be unveiled, dear Maiden.  But, I hope to embrace this secret one day.

Upon these clouds, stories unfold on sailing winds over the divide and the peaks of the Rockies.  Looking up I have  reached this crossroad in which dark and light are braided with the valley of sunshine and the ominous clouds above the mountain top.  Light intertwines in the shadows of changing clouds.

Listen dear Maiden, to the soaring wings, I fly free like a bird that probes into the extreme brilliance of light, and free as the bear I roam into the reflection of understanding Life.

In these dreams I fly into spacious clouds, colorful and warm, reflecting the laws of the universe like my Hawk brother, who circles with me.  Into the circle of confusion, I wonder dear Maiden, where will this lead us

My heart is in search of this temple of love that lies in the mist, high in these clouds, in a city of happiness, delivered on winds.  And upon these cliffs, in the morning,  I pray as the sun casts it's illuminating light of dawn, as colors fade and disappear like my dreams.

The light of joy enters my heart, but as the sun rises high I contemplate how clouded this path will be as my journey continues.  I now awaken Hope, for it lies between the mountain mist and the glowing valley.

At times I walk alone as the sun rises in the golden East, till the purple dust of darkness comes.  I again awaken to the joy of light, rejoicing at this day that has passed, and feel all its precious moments.

My life is my dreams, I a thought, a feeling, a mood.  Rejoicing with the universe and the four-legged who share this trail with me,  I ask the Grandfathers,  Grandmothers  to hear my voice, as I send it  with love to the clouds on the wings of  a Hawk, to help complete me.

Maiden Of The Mountain Mist behind the veil of the waterfall that flows into the stream of my life and into my ocean of dreams.  The knowledge of light embraces me, spreading its wings upon me.  I walk in its shadow to feel its understanding.  Although the shackles of time drag behind me and other   shadows of evil watch closely, I embrace darkness with open arms and give love and light to them. For in balance we grow stronger.
For me to look upon the eyes of love, dear Maiden, I must see the light entwined with the dark as the procession of time strolls under the moon.

My freedom can be reborn, dear Maiden Of The Mountain Mists, when I can venture to the fork of this trail that follows the light to the mountain top of ominous clouds.  Even though this trail is clouded, Hope has restored my heart and in it burns the light upon my soul.

Now, I can look deep within at the eyes of love, piercing my heart with joy.  Waiting for a passionate kiss - which is blended with the fragrance of flowers from the meadow.

Rejuvenating this inner peace found deep inside myself, the fresh scent of flowers engulfs me and nourishes strength, bringing a desire to kiss the lips of The Maiden Of  The Mist.  I look out to the field of flowers, knowing the little maiden blooms among the sweetness of the Valley of Love.

 I realize that I can only find this Maiden if I choose to stay on this path that ascends to the Mountains Of  The Mist, and see the world through the eyes of a child, blended with the knowledge of the elders.  Although, at times  bewilderment overcomes me.  I must walk in the shadow of the bear brother, steady and strong.. For this path leads to the tender heart.

This road of light has cast shadows in which many forks can be chosen, but I have chosen knowledge, which accompanies loneliness at times, in a Herculean test of will.

My strength is the guiding light which follows the Maiden Of  The  Mist to a new spring of compassion.  The flowing waters soothe the soul, as we walk with the four-legged and fly with the Hawks high in my prayers I embrace Freedom.

Walk with me, dear Maiden, on Freedom's path.  Will you content yourself with affection upon the dawn with smiling eyes, and a tender touch, and  I ask only truth?

Will you, dear Maiden, accept a simple heart that cherishes the young, caresses  death, and cares for the old without judgement?

Will you, dear Maiden, flow with me like the tide on the shore of Hope in its’ ebbs and flows, even when there is no shore?

Dear Maiden, will you walk with me on this path and come out of the clouds to embrace my lips with a searing kiss that brings thunder through my soul and bonds us together and forever.

I sit here on the cliff in the clouds with my heart waiting.  Listen, dear Maiden, to my voice carried by the winds for you to hear, embrace it with your whispering feelings of love, and send it back to me with yours on a fiery lighting bolt of passion.
